Managing fine tuned stationary products, in well-defined category with a wide range of products. Pinpoint behind a successful E-shop in this segment is B2B business as well as individual demand. Apart from this; office and home-stationary products surfing and searching is easy on e-shops rather on a brick and mortar store. You can search here, within hundred of brands with thousands of product to satisfy your need of stationary.
Brand Zoffio is success story in this segment as it is maintaining its rank high in Online segment. such brands are showcasing good selling desk-stationary in a wide range. Not only had this they have competitive product planning which look better to compete giant E-sellers. Loaded with several branded products; placed in different categories in office supply segment.
Country-wide giant E-sellers are doing huge business via 20th thousand of stationary products of some hundred of brands for office and household means.
It has been observed that domestic E-shops interested in selling stationary with branded products. If we look sometime before, when Stationary was a big affair for purchase offices in corporate, now they can list their products in wish list and then order online on these E-shops.
Public owned institutions have started E-bidding system for purchases, in case of stationary, e-shops, could tag their store banner and integrate public departments with stationary E-shops could go better ahead. E-shop "stationarynewdotin" has creatively tagged a new category displaying Eco-products and accessories. Holding premium brands, with thousands of desk related stationary product.
Gigantic distribution channel of brick and motor retailers gone mystified before, but events like GOSF2014 have left no choice to unveil products online. Offline-online topic will continue to trend in brooding with public in a near future.
Away from e-shops, Major manufacturer of stationary in India along with some traditional stationary producers have tagged their landing web pages online with their premium and best-selling product line, beautifully!
Away from e-shops, Major manufacturer of stationary in India along with some traditional stationary producers have tagged their landing web pages online with their premium and best-selling product line, beautifully!