India is State where we can say there is diverse market demography in Rural and Urban economy. Majorly retail market movement depend on its culture traditions events in a rural economy. Whereas weekends, holidays and main festivals in urban.
With an edge observation, you will find Indian retail market pick up high during festive months and even a slump during a non-festive season especially in some rural economies which are strength of Indian economy. While in urban areas weekends gives thrust to shopping domains.
Huge crowd movement in the retail sector during a festive season tends retailer to increase the level of inventories for a short span of time to meet demand. Now question arises how this fluctuated demand can be managed by an Indian online retailer?
Is it productive for Indian electronic retailer to run the banner with Indian festive for a year.As inventory management, would Indian online retailers will go randomly with unproductive results or will plan for inventory mechanism based on Indian retail consumer needs and trends of buyer’s behavior.